
Situs Indolead


1. Buku: Mengalahkan Jebakan [10 Artikel]
Suatu Panduan Penolong bagi Orang-orang Kristen yang Menderita Dikombinasikan dengan Kebenaran Rohani dan Prinsip Praktisnya.
2. Buku: SHAPE [8 Bab]
3. Buku: 40 Masalah Kehidupan [41 Artikel]
4. Artikel: Kemurahan Hati [Baca Online] [htm] [doc]
5. Kursus: Peperangan Rohani [2 Workbook]
Kursus: Peperangan Rohani (disingkat PR)
6. Workbook: L.E.A.D Manual for Theological Institutions [pdf]
Leadership Enchancement and Development.
7. Workbook: Individual Training Guide for Equipping Leaders [doc]
A Transferable, One-Year Plan
8. Artikel: Pemimpin dan Arogansi [Baca Online] [htm]
9. Artikel: Tanggung Jawab Kepemimpinan [Baca Online] [htm] [txt]

7 Church Planting Principles

A Church in Every People: Plain Talk About a Difficult Subject

-Donald A. McGavran

Introduction: Ralph D. Winter

In many ways this is the most remarkable "letter" written by the most remarkable mission strategist of the Twentieth Century.

It is extremely doubtful that any other person in history has tramped more places, inquired about the hard facts of the real growth of the Christian movement in more out of the way places-and thought it through more profoundly-than Donald A. McGavran.

